Pet urine breakthrough

Clean Plan also offers:

Quickly get your pet stains completely removed – in less than 14 days or you pay nothing!

pet stain removal


For years many pet owners and carpet cleaners attempted to remove pet stains but with little or no success! It was frustrating and something needed to be done. Since the success rate was low, most professional cleaners avoided offering this much needed service.

The best that could be done was a topical treatment, but that only covered up and masked the problem for about two to three days.



Then enzymes came along; they worked wonders, but unfortunately they were limited to light urine problems only! When a client needed heavy removal it did little! Even if the cleaner was lucky and got most of the smell out, the stains still remained. While enzymes helped, the industry still needed more powerful products that not only removed the smell but the stains that were left behind. What now?

The pet doom

As more people owned pets and the demand became greater, cleaners looked around for a solution, but little progress was made. Two companies figured there was a real need for effective products. They tested and retested in hundreds of situations, until they came up with several new products that really worked. Most cleaners didn’t have a clue that this was going on and many were not offering this service due to the low success rate. A few of us kept trying and now that’s all changed.

The new chemistry

Because I never gave up, I was able to locate these companies and now I’m able to offer you this new technology and you can judge for yourself whether it works or not. I will remove your problem in one week or less or you don’t pay!
Are you sick of urine stains! Are they eyesores? Or worse, how about the smells? If you feel they’re getting the better of you and you’re ready to eliminate these problems forever, I invite you to call me right now.

Why you should have confidence I can fix your pet stains

I’m constantly getting ongoing training. Even though I’ve taken on some of the toughest jobs, I don’t want to miss out on any new advantages that I can get for my clients, so I figure the more I know, the better I’m able to get you the results you want. That is the secret to my success!
Ok, I can’t fix everything! Therefore on occasions I have to turn down some jobs (very few). It’s not that I like doing it, but there are times when I have to tell someone that carpet replacement is their best option. Most people appreciate this and later call me for other cleaning or refer me to a friend. However even if your stains are bad, don’t let it stop you from calling us. Almost 50% of our clients thought nothing could be done, but after an evaluation we were able to help them fix their problems for good.

What if you’re one of the people I can’t help, then what?

If after my evaluation I discover I can’t help you, I’ll offer some other options that can! Call and get the results you deserve. If you are a pet owner and are not dealing with this problem now, get my FREE Pet Report by completing the form below:

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