Professional Commercial Carpet Cleaners in Southampton & Winchester!

"Providing Southampton & Winchester with the Best Commercial Carpet Cleaners!"

Make your office flooring last longer – choose Clean Plan commercial cleaning!


Clean Plan also offers:

 Thorough deep-down cleaning by Clean Plan will make your office flooring last longer.

This is because Clean Plan cleans only carpets, flooring and upholstery and – unlike a general office cleaner – has the skills, equipment and trained staff needed to provide a professional service.

Clean Plan is always determined to keeps costs to a minimum – even caluculating traffic levels at different locations to ensure your little used areas are cleaned less frequently than your heavily used ones.

Such attention to detail is very much part of the Clean Plan service – together with standard use of today’s leading stain removers and cleaning solutions.


Most importantly, for better allergy control Clean Plan is a licensed applicator of PROmit, the latest and most effective dust mite eliminator, used in offices to prevent sick building syndrome.

Get a FREE Clean Plan evaluation and demonstration now*

For a FREE evaluation and demonstration now, call Charles at Clean Plan on 0800 695 6957 or email him at Or complete our enquiry form at the bottom of this page.

Don’t delay though, do it now!

*See how good your office carpets and floors could look after a professional commercial clean. Clean Plan is offering a full 300 square foot demonstration – on your dirtiest carpet – completely free, no obligation.


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